General Statistics

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Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 67098
SA - South America 10928
AF - Africa 4704
NA - North America 4340
AS - Asia, other 1481
OC - Oceania 8
Unknown 531
Total 89090
Country #
PT - Portugal 61702
BR - Brazil 10599
US - United States of America 4177
AO - Angola 2101
MZ - Mozambique 1920
DE - Germany 969
FR - France 930
IE - Ireland 623
RU - Russian Federation 449
MO - Macao, Special Administrative Region of China 407
other - Other Country 5213
Total 89090
City #
Coimbra 10405
Lisbon 7967
Porto 4185
Braga 1782
Viseu 1020
Guimarães 895
Maputo 842
São Paulo 794
Amadora 706
Aveiro 679
other 38906
Total 68181

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00795960 862579 3196
2020 851817 1070120912321102 873887681254 10981027 11488
2021 971900 1133130610511157 91960210111221 929879 12079
2022 1224742 7039251042615 11035819731202 11011052 11263
2023 1296705 12711770571 7015909141344 12971127 9993
2024 16091253 1078134314711156 145268310 00 10046
Ever 89090