FLUC Secção de Artes - Vários : [62] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 62
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
2023Esferas 26, “Autoria no Documentário”Branco, Sérgio Dias ; Soares, Luísa NevesotheropenAccess
2022O Homem da Câmara de Filmar / Dziga VertovBranco, Sérgio otheropenAccess
2022Prefácio (Tempo e Narrativa no Cinema de Manoel de Oliveira)Branco, Sérgio Dias otheropenAccess
Apr-2021Uma Ausência Tornada Presente: “Gestos & Fragmentos” (1982)Branco, Sérgio Dias articleopenAccess
Dec-2020Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 8Branco, Sérgio Dias ; Khan, Amir otheropenAccess
2019Tríptico ParajanovBranco, Sérgio Dias articleopenAccess
2010Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 1Branco, Sérgio Dias otheropenAccess
2011Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 2Branco, Sérgio Dias otheropenAccess
2017Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image 9, “Islam and Images”Branco, Sérgio Dias ; Zeydabadi-Nejad, Saeed; Silveirinha Castello Branco, Patrícia articleopenAccess
2017Conversations : The Journal of Cavellian Studies 5Branco, Sérgio Dias ; Khan, Amir otheropenAccess
2016Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies 4Branco, Sérgio Dias ; Khan, Amir otheropenAccess
27-May-2015Locus Pacis. Museums in the contemporary worldPimentel, António Filipe articleopenAccess
1996GarboPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996Ferreira, GasparPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996Pádua, João António Bellini dePimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996Laborão, Joaquim José de BarrosPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996LamegoPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996Tibâes AbbeyPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996Dias, ManuelPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
1996Marques dos Santos, JoaquimPimentel, António Filipe otheropenAccess
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 62