Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: https://hdl.handle.net/10316/107510
Título: Aquatic Hyphomycetes from streams on Madeira Island (Portugal)
Autor: Raposeiro, Pedro M.
Faustino, Hélder
Ferreira, Verónica 
Gonçalves, Vítor
Palavras-chave: Ingoldian fungi; freshwater enviroments; new records; oceanic islands
Data: 2020
Editora: Pensoft Publishers
Projeto: UID/BIA/50027/2013 
POCI-01 0145-FEDER-006821 
FCT DL57/2016/ ICETA/EEC2018/25 and IF/00129/2014 
Título da revista, periódico, livro ou evento: Biodiversity Data Journal
Volume: 8
Resumo: Aquatic hyphomycetes are a phylogenetically heterogeneous group of fungi living preferentially in fast flowing, well-aerated forest streams. These fungi have worldwide distribution, but with the exception of Articulospora tetracladia, no aquatic hyphomycete taxon was previously recorded on Madeira Island. Aquatic hyphomycetes were sampled from 40 sites, distributed by 27 permanent streams in 2015, to provide the distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes in Madeira Island streams.
URI: https://hdl.handle.net/10316/107510
ISSN: 1314-2828
DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e53690
Direitos: openAccess
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