General Statistics

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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 15674
EU - Europe 12404
AS - Asia, other 4965
SA - South America 2034
AF - Africa 404
OC - Oceania 344
Unknown 937
Total 36762
Country #
US - United States of America 15568
PT - Portugal 5358
CN - China 2099
BR - Brazil 1967
PL - Poland 1817
DE - Germany 1703
SG - Singapore 1699
IE - Ireland 838
SE - Sweden 580
NL - Netherlands 522
other - Other Country 4569
Total 36720
City #
Ashburn 5951
Warsaw 1807
New York 1399
Secaucus 977
Inglewood 971
Dublin 725
Coimbra 666
Lisbon 620
Singapore 537
Amsterdam 442
other 18372
Total 32467
Most viewed items #
ID: 2530 - Territórios de Água | Water Territories 2283
ID: 14081 - Riscos naturais, ordenamento do território e sociedade : estudos de caso nas Ilhas de Santo Antão e de Santiago 1381
ID: 2525 - As Tradições do Pão, Territórios e Desenvolvimento 1279
ID: 40648 - Assessing Functional Capacity and Factors Determining Functional Decline in the Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Study 1231
ID: 2722 - New opportunities for water environments. River tourism and water leisure activities 1145
ID: 2524 - Turismo de Negócios: Convention & Visitors Bureau Região Centro 803
ID: 2407 - Infra-estrutura digital e inteligência dos territórios em Portugal : a Internet, a World Wide Web e as empresas 615
ID: 14078 - Touristic groups in Azores: the Finnish case 604
ID: 30689 - Gastronomia e vinhos: um produto sempre novo com raízes nas tradições da cultura da população portuguesa 516
ID: 14082 - A saúde da população. Enquadramento teórico e metodológico 494
ID: 14077 - Socioeconomic inequalities in injury mortality in small areas of 15 European cities 485
ID: 2458 - A Europa do conhecimento e da aprendizagem: principais comportamentos espaciais da “Europa dos 27” 468
ID: 30688 - Espaços e tempos em Geografia: homenagem a António Gama 415
ID: 30748 - Business tourism development: a portuguese perspective 349
ID: 37791 - Portugal as a tourism destination: Paths and trends 346
ID: 40700 - Population Health Inequalities Across and Within European Metropolitan Areas through the Lens of the EURO-HEALTHY Population Health Index 340
ID: 40590 - Complex cytogeographical patterns reveal a dynamic tetraploid-octoploid contact zone 310
ID: 48137 - Unhealthy lifestyles, environment, well-being and health capability in rural neighbourhoods: a community-based cross-sectional study 299
ID: 40786 - Effects of extreme temperatures on cerebrovascular mortality in Lisbon: a distributed lag non-linear model 295
ID: 40601 - The changing city: risk and built heritage. The case of Lisbon downtown 294
ID: 47387 - Destination image perceived by domestic tourists: The influence of Generation Gap 287
ID: 40694 - Health Disparities in Czechia and Portugal at Country and Municipality Levels 252
ID: 40688 - Evaluation of data availability on population health indicators at the regional level across the European Union 248
ID: 40690 - Variáveis meteorológicas e poluição do ar e sua associação com internações respiratórias em crianças: estudo de caso em São Paulo, Brasil 244
ID: 40683 - Culture and Tourism in Porto City Centre: Conflicts and (Im)Possible Solutions 241
ID: 40691 - The Role of Individual and Neighborhood Characteristics on Mental Health after a Period of Economic Crisis in the Lisbon Region (Portugal): A Multilevel Analysis 241
ID: 53936 - Cycling infrastructures and equity: an examination of bike lanes and bike sharing system in Lisbon, Portugal 240
ID: 41039 - Recensão a G. Pereira Menaut, «Inscripciones Romanas de Valentia» 236
ID: 30746 - Tourism development strategies for business tourism destinations: Case study in the central region of Portugal 235
ID: 40580 - Evidências de Rearranjos Fluviais no Interflúvio Amazonas-Essequibo - Amazônia Setentrional 235
ID: 40626 - GIS-based hazard and risk maps of the Douro river basin (north-eastern Portugal) 235
ID: 40692 - Scenarios for population health inequalities in 2030 in Europe: the EURO-HEALTHY project experience 233
ID: 40681 - Personal and Pedagogical Interaction Factors as Determinants of Academic Achievement 230
ID: 40789 - Dominação e reprodução da automobilidade: a rede de auto‑estradas das áreas metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto 227
ID: 56757 - Valores e usos do diminutivo -inho no Português Europeu e no Português do Brasil 226
ID: 40634 - Palaeoenvironmental forcing during the Middle–Upper Palaeolithic transition in central-western Portugal 222
ID: 40579 - Flash Flood Risk Perception by the Population of Mindelo, S. Vicente (Cape Verde) 216
ID: 44058 - Análise das referências bibliográficas das teses de doutoramento defendidas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Turismo, Lazer e Cultura 214
ID: 40661 - A structural equation model of tourism activities, social interaction and the impact of tourism on youth tourists' QOL 207
ID: 40697 - Spatial variability in air pollution exposure in relation to socioeconomic indicators in nine European metropolitan areas: A study on environmental inequality 206
ID: 48156 - Socioeconomic Inequalities in Chronic Liver Diseases and Cirrhosis Mortality in European Urban Areas before and after the Onset of the 2008 Economic Recession 206
ID: 40630 - Holocene interplay between a dune field and coastal lakes in the Quiaios– Tocha region, central littoral Portugal 205
ID: 40699 - Excess winter mortality and morbidity before, during, and after the Great Recession: the Portuguese case 199
ID: 40622 - Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic site formation processes at the Bordes-Fitte rockshelter (Central France) 198
ID: 40603 - Perception of the flash flood hazard by the population of Mindelo, S.Vicente (Cape Verde) 197
ID: 40665 - Developing business tourism beyond major urban centres: the perspectives of local stakeholders 196
ID: 40578 - Methodology for the Semi-quantitative Evaluation of Geoheritage Applied to Coastal Geotourism in João Pessoa (Paraíba, Northest Brazil) 194
ID: 40627 - Cartografia da vulnerabilidade socioambiental: convergências e divergências a partir de algumas experiências em Portugal e no Brasil 193
ID: 47365 - Restrictions’ acceptance and risk perception by young generations in a COVID-19 context 188
ID: 40673 - The STUDENTSCALE: Measuring Students’ Motivation, Interest, Learning Resources and Styles 187
Total 21107

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00173190 151126 640
2020 140173 1478741351555 24661720495 310554 5680
2021 277387 297406191526 161372246358 280323 3824
2022 540367 1101232299161 281432577399 430529 5348
2023 246158 532550111 82374347624 9641278 4771
2024 10912376 1544146010871312 1129122250 00 11226
Ever 36762