Avancini, S. S.
Avancini, S. S.
UC Researcher
Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.009 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access | |
1 | 2005 | Asymmetric nuclear matter and its instabilities | Avancini, S. S. ; Menezes, D. P.; Brito, L. ; Providência, C. | article | openAccess |
2 | 2006 | Center-of-mass correction in a relativistic Hartree approximation | Alberto, P. ; Fiolhais, M. ; Avancini, S. S. ; Marinelli, J. R. | article | openAccess |
3 | Apr-2017 | Effect of strong magnetic fields on the crust-core transition and inner crust of neutron stars | Fang, J. ; Pais, H. ; Pratapsi, S. ; Avancini, S. ; Li, J. ; Providência, C. | article | openAccess |
4 | 17-Oct-2014 | Equation of state and thickness of the inner crust of neutron stars | Grill, F. ; Pais, H. ; Providência, C. ; Vidaña, I. ; Avancini, S. S. | article | openAccess |
5 | 14-Jun-2017 | Hypernuclei and massive neutron stars | Fortin, M. ; Avancini, s. s. ; Providência, C. ; Vidaña, I. | article | openAccess |
6 | 27-Feb-2014 | Imprint of the symmetry energy on the inner crust and strangeness content of neutron stars | Providência, C. ; Avancini, S. S. ; Cavagnoli, R. ; Chiacchiera, S. ; Ducoin, D. ; Grill, F. ; Margueron, J. ; Menezes, D. P. ; Rabhi, A. | article | openAccess |
7 | 7-Dec-2016 | Larger and more heterogeneous neutron star crusts: A result of strong magnetic fields | Fang, J. ; Pais, H. ; Avancini, S. ; Providência, C. | article | openAccess |
8 | 20-Apr-2017 | Light clusters and pasta phases in warm and dense nuclear matter | Avancini, S. S. ; Ferreira, M. ; Pais, H. ; Providência, C. ; Röpke, G. | article | openAccess |
9 | 21-Sep-2016 | Neutrino diffusion in the pasta phase matter within the Thomas-Fermi approach | Furtado, U. J. ; Avancini, S. S. ; Marinelli, J. R. ; Martarello, W. ; Providência, C. | article | openAccess |
10 | 10-Nov-2014 | Relativistic mean-field hadronic models under nuclear matter constraints | Dutra, M. ; Lourenço, O.; Avancini, S. S. ; Carlson, B. V. ; Delfino, A. ; Menezes, D. P. ; Providência, C. ; Typel, S. ; Stone, J. R. | article | openAccess |
11 | 29-Aug-2018 | Stability of the neutron-proton-electron matter under strong magnetic fields: The covariant Vlasov approach | Avancini, Sidney ; Bertolino, B. P. ; Rabhi, Aziz ; Fang, Jianjun ; Pais, Helena ; Providência, Constança | article | openAccess |