Percorrer por autor Alves, Joana Alexandra Silva

Mostrar resultados 1-6 de 6.
Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)TipoAcesso
25-Nov-2021Activity patterns of red and roe deer: differences between sexesSilva, Inês Isabel Simões damasterThesisembargoedAccess
20-Set-2022Are male's roars honest signs of body size in Cervus elaphus hispanicus?Machado, Bernardo Rodrigues da Costa SupardomasterThesisembargoedAccess
20-Dez-2023The ecological role of red deer on ecosystem services in Mediterranean environmentsGarcia, Fernanda FernandesdoctoralThesisembargoedAccess
21-Set-2023Effect of Anthropogenic Pressures on Roaring Behaviour of Red Deer using sound dataRicardo, Daniel DiasmasterThesisembargoedAccess
21-Set-2022Feeding behaviour of feral horses in Arga mountain: Differences in forage selection between sexesAlbuquerque, Rui Anselmo CarragosomasterThesisembargoedAccess
29-Out-2021Sexual segregation patterns of red deer: Deciphering species-specific and population-specific patternsMendes, Maria Inês CunhamasterThesisembargoedAccess