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Title: Oxygen sensitivity of erbium-doped AlN films probed by site selective spectroscopy
Authors: Oliveira, J. C. 
Cavaleiro, A. 
Vieira, M. T. 
Bigot, L. 
Garapon, C. 
Jacquier, B. 
Mugnier, J. 
Keywords: Photoluminescence
Issue Date: 2003
Citation: Optical Materials. 24:1-2 (2003) 321-325
Abstract: In the aim of better understand the influence of oxygen on the luminescent properties of Er:AlN films, two samples synthesized by radiofrequency reactive magnetron sputtering, have been analysed by site-selective spectroscopy around 1.55 [mu]m and compared to a reference aluminosilicate sample. The erbium content in the films was estimated to 3.3 at.% and oxygen content ranges from 6.2 at.% to 58.6 at.% (determination by EPMA). Line narrowing study was performed for values 6.2 at.% and 22.5 at.%. Both films were annealed at 1075 K for 1 h. Site-selective spectroscopy was carried out using a Ti:sapphire laser light with typical linewidth of 2 GHz tuned around 980 nm as the excitation source. The samples were cooled down to 1.5 K in a liquid-helium bath cryostat and their 4I13/2<-->4I15/2 luminescence was detected using a high-sensitivity germanium-cooled detector. It appears that the site distribution of the Er:AlN samples is not continuous as in classical aluminosilicate glass but presents a rupture that suggests the existence of two kinds of sites for erbium: oxygen site and nitrogen site. These observations can easily be interpreted within the framework of the nephelauxetic effect that explains a shift of the site distribution to the longer wavelengths with an increase of boundings bonding covalency.
DOI: 10.1016/S0925-3467(03)00143-5
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:FCTUC Eng.Mecânica - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais

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