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Title: Evaluation of the Topography of Surface Sized Eucalyptus Based Papers
Authors: Moutinho, Isabel 
Ihalainen, Petri 
Figueiredo, Margarida 
Peltonen, Jouko 
Ferreira, Paulo 
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2009
Publisher: American Chemical Society
Serial title, monograph or event: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
Volume: 49
Issue: 1
Abstract: The surface properties of paper depend not only on the fibrous matrix but also on the final treatment of the paper surface. The present work compares paper samples with two different surface sizing treatments by using AFM and profilometry to assess topography and roughness parameters as well as to evaluate the spreading of the sizing formulation and to estimate sizing agent particle sizes. The results were confronted with dynamic light scattering measurements regarding particle size. This work shows that AFM is a valuable technique to visualize and quantify the effects of sizing on the paper surface. Due to the small amount of surface sizing applied, no significant differences between the surface sized samples and the reference sample (without surface treatment) could be detected in terms of the surface roughness parameters. Nonetheless, those of sample B1 are systematically smaller than those of sample A1.
ISSN: 0888-5885
DOI: 10.1021/ie900677y
Rights: closedAccess
Appears in Collections:FCTUC Eng.Química - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais

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