FCTUC Física - Teses de Mestrado : [522] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 522
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
2012Desenvolvimento de um Distractor Mandibular Automático Dento-AncoradoMagalhães, Miguel Amaral GomesmasterThesisopenAccess
Mar-2016Characterization and detection of epileptic seizures based on actigraphy dataRamos, Mariana FerreiramasterThesisembargoedAccess
Jan-2017iLook over yPinheiro, Nuno Henrique Pereira Martins masterThesisopenAccess
30-Sep-2014Development of polymetric sensors for monitoring baby's temperatureDias, Diana Patricia Rodrigues masterThesisopenAccess
18-Oct-2013Electric sensor to investigate ablation and associated processes in the thermal protection systemsMarques, Tiago Manuel de Oliveira masterThesisopenAccess
24-Sep-2013Development of new unsaturated polyesters from renewable resourcesLopes, Ines Marques masterThesisopenAccess
4-Oct-2013Cyclotron Production of 68Ga using a natZn-based liquid targetMoreira, Hugo Manuel Ramos masterThesisopenAccess
20-Sep-2013Técnicas Não-Invasivas por Ultrassons para Visualização e Caracterização do CristalinoVelte, Elena masterThesisopenAccess
24-Sep-2015Development and characterization of biopolyelectrolytes functionalized with ionic liquids for transdermal drug delivery applicationsBarroso, Inês Pires Moedas de Almeida masterThesisopenAccess
14-Oct-2013DAQ software tools for the management of a multichannel platform in hemodynamic studiesPereira, Pedro Miguel dos Reis masterThesisopenAccess
17-Sep-2013Thermal history of the universe with dark energy component induced by conformal fluctuations of the metric.Leite, Natacha Violante Gomes masterThesisopenAccess
20-Sep-2013Deposition of AlNx thin films on polymers for the development of biosensorsRodrigues, Miguel Angelo de Matos masterThesisopenAccess
17-Sep-2013Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography for Small Animals Imaging: System Control and Data AcquisitionAgnelo, José Adriano de Almeida masterThesisopenAccess
30-Sep-2014Relatório do Mestrado em Ensino da Fisica e de Quimica no 3º Ciclo do Ensino BásicoCarvalho, Paulo Jorge de Oliveira masterThesisopenAccess
18-Sep-2013Search acceleration methods for large retinal image databasesMourão, Diana Craveiro masterThesisopenAccess
2-Oct-2015Role of interhemispherical connections in resting-state functional connectivityAlmeida, António Angelo Gouveia Rosa Perez de masterThesisopenAccess
22-Sep-2015Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography for Small Animals - Performance Parameters and Optic ModellingPedrosa, André Filipe Lopes masterThesisopenAccess
24-Sep-2015Soft contact lenses with improved oxygen capacityPinho, Rui Miguel Abrantes masterThesisembargoedAccess
25-Feb-2016Study of Biocompatible Materials for Delivery of Anti-glaucoma DrugsOliveira, Ana Isabel Dias masterThesisopenAccess
19-Sep-2013Relatório de Estágio de Mestrado em Ensino de Física e de Quimica no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino SecundárioNeto, Cláudia Isabel da Silva masterThesisopenAccess
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 522