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Title: A next-generation liquid xenon observatory for dark matter and neutrino physics
Authors: Aalbers, J. 
AbdusSalam, S. S.
Abe, K.
Aerne, V.
Agostini, F.
Ahmed Maouloud, S.
Akerib, D. S. 
Akimov, D. Y.
Akshat, J.
Al Musalhi, A. K.
Alder, F.
Alsum, S. K.
Althueser, L.
Amarasinghe, C. S.
Amaro, F. D. 
Ames, A.
Anderson, T. J.
Andrieu, B.
Angelides, N.
Angelino, E.
Angevaare, J.
Antochi, V. C.
Antón Martin, D.
Antunovic, B.
Aprile, E. 
Araújo, H. M. 
Armstrong, J. E.
Arneodo, F. 
Arthurs, M.
Asadi, P.
Baek, S.
Bai, X. 
Bajpai, D.
Baker, A.
Balajthy, J. 
Balashov, S.
Balzer, M.
Bandyopadhyay, A.
Bang, J.
Barberio, E.
Bargemann, J. W.
Baudis, L. 
Bauer, D.
Baur, D.
Baxter, A.
Baxter, A. L.
Bazyk, M.
Beattie, K.
Behrens, J.
Bell, N. F.
Bellagamba, L.
Beltrame, P. 
Benabderrahmane, M. L. 
Bernard, E. P.
Bertone, G. F.
Bhattacharjee, P.
Bhatti, A.
Biekert, A.
Biesiadzinski, T. P.
Binau, A. R.
Biondi, R.
Biondi, Y.
Birch, H. J.
Bishara, F.
Bismark, A.
Blanco, C.
Blockinger, G. M.
Bodnia, E.
Boehm, C.
Bolozdynya, A. I.
Bolton, P. D.
Bottaro, S.
Bourgeois, C.
Boxer, B.
Brás, P. 
Breskin, A. 
Breur, P..A. 
Brew, C. A. J.
Brod, J.
Brookes, E
Brown, A.
Brown, E. 
Bruenner, S. 
Bruno, G. 
Budnik, R. 
Bui, T. K.
Burdin, S. 
Buse, S.
Busenitz, J. K.
Buttazzo, D.
Buuck, M.
Buzulutskov, A.
Cabrita, R. 
Cai, C.
Cai, D.
Capelli, C.
Cardoso, J. M. R. 
Carmona-Benitez, M. C. 
Cascella, M.
Catena, R.
Chakraborty, S.
Chan, C. 
Chang, S.
Chauvin, A.
Chawla, A.
Chen, H.
Chepel, V.
Chott, N. I.
Cichon, D. 
Cimental Chavez, A.
Cimmino, B.
Clark, M.
Co, R. T.
Colijn, A. P. 
Conrad, J.
Converse, M. V.
Costa, M.
Cottle, A.
Cox, G.
Creaner, O.
Cuenca Garcia, J. J.
Cussonneau, J. P.
Cutter, J. E.
Dahl, C. E. 
D’Andrea, V.
David, A.
Decowski, M. P. 
Dent, J. B.
Deppisch, F. F.
DeViveiros, L. 
DiGangi, P. 
DiGiovanni, A. 
Di Pede, S.
Dierle, J.
Diglio, S.
Dobson, J. E. Y.
Doerenkamp, M.
Douillet, D.
Drexlin, G. 
Druszkiewicz, E. 
Dunsky, D.
Eitel, K.
Elykov, A.
Emken, T.
Engel, R.
Eriksen, S. R.
Fairbairn, M.
Fan, A.
Fan, J. J.
Farrell, S. J.
Fayer, S.
Fearon, N. M.
Ferella, A.
Ferrari, C.
Fieguth, A. 
Fieguth, A. 
Fiorucci, S. 
Fischer, H.
Flaecher, H.
Flierman, M.
Florek, T.
Foot, R.
Fox, P. J.
Franceschini, R.
Fraser, E. D.
Frenk, C. S.
Frohlich, S.
Fruth, T.
Fulgione, W. 
Fuselli, C.
Gaemers, P.
Gaior, R.
Gaitskell, R. J. 
Galloway, M.
Gao, F. 
Garcia Garcia, I.
Genovesi, J.
Ghag, C. 
Ghosh, S.
Gibson, E.
Gil, W.
Giovagnoli, D.
Girard, F.
Glade-Beucke, R.
Glück, F.
Gokhale, S.
de Gouvêa, A.
Gráf, L.
Grandi, L.
Grigat, J.
Grinstein, B.
van der Grinten, M. G. D.
Grössle, R.
Guan, H.
Guida, M.
Gumbsheimer, R.
Gwilliam, C. B.
Hall, C. R.
Hall, L. J.
Hammann, R.
Han, K.
Hannen, V. 
Hansmann-Menzemer, S.
Harata, R.
Hardin, S. P.
Hardy, E.
Hardy, C. A.
Harigaya, K.
Harnik, R.
Haselschwardt, S. J.
Hernandez, M.
Hertel, S. A. 
Higuera, A.
Hils, C.
Hochrein, S.
Hoetzsch, L.
Hoferichter, M.
Hood, N.
Hooper, D.
Horn, M. 
Howlett, J.
Huang, D. Q. 
Huang, Y.
Hunt, D.
Iacovacci, M.
Iaquaniello, G.
Ide, R.
Ignarra, C. M.
Iloglu, G.
Itow, Y.
Jacquet, E.
Jahangir, O.
Jakob, J.
James, R. S.
Jansen, A.
Ji, W.
Ji, X.
Joerg, F.
Johnson, J.
Joy, A.
Kaboth, A C
Kalhor, L
Kamaha, A. .
Kanezaki, K.
Kar, K.
Kara, M.
Kato, N.
Kavrigin, P.
Kazama, S.
Keaveney, A. W.
Kellerer, J.
Khaitan, D.
Khazov, A.
Khundzakishvili, G.
Khurana, I.
Kilminster, B. 
Kleifges, M.
Ko, P.
Kobayashi, M.
Kodroff, D.
Koltmann, G.
Kopec, A.
Kopmann, A.
Kopp, J.
Korley, L.
Kornoukhov, V. N.
Korolkova, E. V. 
Kraus, H. 
Krauss, L..M. 
Kravitz, S.
Kreczko, L.
Kudryavtsev, V. A. 
Kuger, F.
Kumar, J.
López Paredes, B.
LaCascio, L.
Laha, R.
Laine, Q.
Landsman, H.
Lang, R. F.
Leason, E. A.
Lee, J.
Leonard, D. S.
Lesko, K. T.
Levinson, L.
Levy, C. 
Li, I.
Li, M. C. A. 
Li, T.
Liang, S.
Liebenthal, C. S.
Lin, J.
Lin, Q. 
Lindemann, S.
Lindner, M.
Lindote, A. 
Linehan, R.
Lippincott, W. H.
Liu, X. 
Liu, K.
Liu, J.
Loizeau, J.
Lombardi, F.
Long, J.
Lopes, M. I. 
Lopez-Asamar, E. 
Lorenzon, W.
Lu, C.
Luitz, S.
Ma, Y.
Machado, P. A. N.
Macolino, C.
Maeda, T.
Mahlstedt, J.
Majewski, P. A.
Manalaysay, A. 
Mancuso, A.
Manenti, L.
Manfredini, A.. 
Mannino, R. L.
Marangou, N.
March-Russell, J.
Marignetti, F.
Marrodán Undagoitia, T.
Martens, K.
Martin, R.
Martinez-Soler, I.
Masbou, J. 
Masson, D. 
Masson, E.
Mastroianni, S.
Mastronardi, M.
Matias-Lopes, J. A.
McCarthy, M. E.
McFadden, N.
McGinness, E.
McKinsey, D. N. 
McLaughlin, J.
McMichael, K.
Meinhardt, P.
Menéndez, J.
Meng, Y. 
Messina, M.
Midha, R.
Milisavljevic, D.
Miller, E. H.
Milosevic, B.
Milutinovic, S.
Mitra, S. A.
Miuchi, K.
Mizrachi, E.
Mizukoshi, K.
Molinario, A. 
Monte, A.
Monteiro, C. M. B. 
Monzani, M. E. 
Moore, J. S.
Morå, K .D. 
Morad, J. A.
Morales Mendoza, J. D.
Moriyama, S.
Morrison, E.
Morteau, E. 
Mosbacher, Y.
Mount, B. J.
Mueller, J.
Murphy, A. St. J. 
Murra, M.
Naim, D.
Nakamura, Masao 
Nash, E.
Navaieelavasani, N.
Naylor, A.
Nedlik, C.
Nelson, H. N.
Neves, F. 
Newstead, J..L. 
Ni, K.
Nikoleyczik, J. A.
Niro, V.
Oberlack, U. G.
Obradovic, M.
Odgers, K.
O’Hare, C. A. J.
Oikonomou, P.
Olcina, I.
Oliver-Mallory, K.
Oranday, A.
Orpwood, J.
Ostrovskiy, I.
Ozaki, K.
Paetsch, B.
Pal, S.
Palacio, J.
Palladino, K. J.
Palmer, J.
Panci, P.
Pandurovic, M.
Parlati, A.
Parveen, N.
Patton, S. J.
Pěč, V.
Pellegrini, Q.
Penning, B.
Pereira, G.
Peres, R.
Perez-Gonzalez, Y.
Perry, E.
Pershing, T.
Petrossian-Byrne, R
Pienaar, J. 
Piepke, A.
Pieramico, G.
Pierre, M.
Piotter, M.
Pizzella, V. 
Plante, G. 
Pollmann, T.
Porzio, D. 
Qi, J.
Qie, Y.
Qin, J.
Quevedo, F.
Raj, N.
Rajado Silva, M.
Ramanathan, K.
Ramírez García, D.
Ravanis, J.
Redard-Jacot, L.
Redigolo, D.
Reichard, S. 
Reichenbacher, J.
Rhyne, C. A.
Richards, A.
Riffard, Q.
Rischbieter, G. R. C.
Rocchetti, A.
Rosenfeld, S. L.
Rosero, R.
Rupp, N. 
Rushton, T.
Sonet, Sanjay Saha 
Salucci, P.
Sanchez, L.
Sanchez-Lucas, P.
Santone, D.
Santos, J. M. F. dos 
Sarnoff, I.
Sartorelli, G. 
Sazzad, A. B. M. R.
Scheibelhut, M. 
Schnee, R. W.
Schrank, M.
Schreiner, J. 
Schulte, P.
Schulte, D.
Schulze Eissing, H.
Schumann, M.
Schwemberger, T.
Schwenk, A.
Schwetz, T.
Scotto Lavina, L.
Scovell, P. R. 
Sekiya, H.
Selvi, M. 
Semenov, E.
Semeria, F.
Shagin, P.
Shaw, Matthew J. 
Shi, S.
Shockley, E.
Shutt, T. A.
Si-Ahmed, R.
Silk, J. J.
Silva, C.
Silva, M. C.
Simgen, H. 
Šimkovic, F.
Sinev, G.
Singh, R.
Skulski, W.
Smirnov, J.
Smith, R.
Solmaz, M.
Solovov, V. N. 
Sorensen, P. 
Soria, J.
Sparmann, T. J.
Stancu, I.
Steidl, M.
Stevens, A.
Stifter, K.
Strigari, L. E.
Subotic, D.
Suerfu, B.
Suliga, A. M.
Sumner, T. J. 
Szabo, P.
Szydagis, M. 
Takeda, A.
Takeuchi, Y.
Tan, P-L
Taricco, C.
Taylor, W. C.
Temples, D. J.
Terliuk, A.
Terman, P. A.
Thers, D.
Thieme, K.
Thümmler, T.
Tiedt, D. R.
Timalsina, M.
To, W. H.
Toennies, F.
Tong, Z.
Toschi, F.
Tovey, D. R. 
Tranter, J.
Trask, M.
Trinchero, G. C.
Tripathi, M.
Tronstad, D. R.
Trotta, R. 
Tsai, Y. D.
Tunnell, C..D. 
Turner, W. G.
Ueno, R.
Urquijo, P.
Utku, U.
Vaitkus, A.
Valerius, K.
Vassilev, E.
Vecchi, Gabriel Wellington 
Velan, V.
Vetter, S.
Vincent, A. C.
Vittorio, L.
Volta, G.
von Krosigk, B.
von Piechowski, M.
Vorkapic, D.
Wagner, C. E. M.
Wang, A. M.
Wang, B.
Wang, Y.-B. 
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Wang, L-T
Wang, M.
Wang, Y.-B. 
Watson, J. R.
Wei, Y. 
Weinheimer, C. 
Weisman, E.
Weiss, M.
Wenz, D.
West, S. M.
Whitis, T. J.
Moe, William M. 
Wilson, M. J.
Winkler, D.
Wittweg, C.
Wolf, J.
Wolf, T.
Wolfs, F. L. H. 
Woodford, S.
Woodward, D.
Wright, C. J.
Wu, V. H. S.
Wu, P.
Wüstling, S.
Wurm, M.
Xia, Q.
Xiang, X.
Xing, Y.
Xu, J.
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Xu, D.
Yamashita, M.
Yamazaki, R.
Yan, H.
Yang, L.
Yang, Y.
Ye, J.
Yeh, M.
Young, I.
Yu, H. B.
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Yuan, L.
Zavattini, G.
Zerbo, S.
Zhang, Y. 
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Zhou, N.
Zhou, X.
Zhu, T.
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Zhuang, Y.
Zopounidis, J. P.
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Zupan, J.
Keywords: dark matter; neutrinoless double-beta decay; neutrinos; supernova; direct detection; astroparticle physics; xenon
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
Project: This work has been supported by the US National Science Foundation (NSF, Grants PHYS-1719271, PHYS-2112796, PHYS-2112801, PHYS-2112802, PHYS-2112803, PHYS-2112851, PHYS-2137911); by the Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science (Grants DE-AC02-05CH11231, DE-AC02-07CH11359, DE-AC02-76SF00515, DE-AC52-07NA27344, DE-FG02-00ER41132, DE-FG02-10ER46709, DE-NA0003180, DE-SC0006605, DE-SC0008475, DE-SC0009999, DE-SC0010010, DE-SC0010072, DE-SC0010813, DE-SC0011640, DE-SC0011702, DE-SC0012161, DOE-SC0012447, DE-SC0012704, DE-SC0013542, DE-SC0014223, DE-SC0015535, DE-SC0015708, DESC0018982, DE-SC0019066, DE-SC0020216, UW PRJ82AJ); by the UK Science & Technology Facilities Council (Grants ST/M003655/1, ST/M003981/1, ST/M003744/1, ST/M003639/1, ST/M003604/1, ST/R003181/1, ST/M003469/1); by the German Research Foundation (DFG) [Grants KO 4820/4-1, EXC-2118, 279384907 (SFB 1245)]; by the Max Planck Gesellschaft; by the Dutch Research Council (NWO); by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grants PCEFP2_181117, 200020-188716); by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grants 742789, 101020842); by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Grants PTDC/FIS-PAR/28567/2017); by the Institute for Basic Science, Korea (Grant IBS-R016-D1); by the Australian Research Council through the ARC Center of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics, CE200100008; and by the Marie Skodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 860881. BvK acknowledges support from Emmy Noether Grant No. 420484612; AM et al acknowledge additional support from the STFC Boulby Underground Laboratory in the UK, the GridPP [1317, 1318] and IRIS Collaborations, in particular at Imperial College London and additional support by the University College London (UCL) Cosmoparticle Initiative. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with the registration number SC005336. PK and SB from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grants NRF-2018R1A2A3075605 and NRF-2019R1A2C3005009 and by KIAS Individual Grant No. PG021403; RC from an individual research grant from the Swedish Research Council (Dnr 2018-05029); RC and TE from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg project Light Dark Matter (Dnr KAW 2019.0080 and 2019.0080); PB and SS from the Dr Raja Ramanna Fellowship program of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India. RB acknowledges ISF and the Pazy foundation. Finally, RFL acknowledges support from the Purdue University Department of Physics and Astronomy and from the Purdue Research Foundation without which this paper could not have been realized. 
Serial title, monograph or event: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Volume: 50
Issue: 1
Abstract: The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the most pressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenon timeprojection chamber is the leading technology to cover the available parameter space for weakly interacting massive particles, while featuring extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates. These detectors can also study neutrinos through neutrinoless double-beta decay and through a variety of astrophysical sources. A next-generation xenon-based detectorwill therefore be a true multi-purpose observatory to significantly advance particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, solar physics, and cosmology. This reviewarticle presents the science cases for such a detector.
ISSN: 0954-3899
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6471/ac841a
Rights: openAccess
Appears in Collections:LIP - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais
LIBPhys - Artigos em Revistas Internacionais

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