Researcher Profile Statistics:

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Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 1166
NA - North America 884
AS - Asia, other 768
AF - Africa 200
OC - Oceania 109
SA - South America 52
Unknown 29
Total 3208
Country #
US - United States of America 833
PT - Portugal 254
CN - China 213
DE - Germany 163
GB - United Kingdom 131
IN - India 127
FR - France 125
AU - Australia 90
RU - Russian Federation 75
CZ - Czech Republic 66
other - Other Country 1114
Total 3191
City #
Ashburn 334
Boardman 32
Beijing 30
Central 25
Singapore 22
Kolkata 21
Stockholm 19
Coimbra 18
Kuala Lumpur 18
Lisbon 18
other 1795
Total 2332
Most downloaded files #
ID: 59373 - A review on current advances in the energy and environmental performance of buildings towards a more sustainable built environment.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/42014) 2126
Total 2126
Most bitstream per type viewed #
ID: all - 3208
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 0
ID: conference - 0
ID: book - 0
ID: thesis - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 3208

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 003549 3927 150
2020 3732 32413638 4436627 4350 422
2021 5432 46554251 35644985 5746 616
2022 4041 24404534 28424535 4942 465
2023 4421 7512028 11272815 5635 352
2024 4345 79679147 4317250 00 457
Ever 3208