Researcher Profile Statistics: Chibinda, Jeremias Agostinho

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 1454
AF - Africa 1351
NA - North America 479
SA - South America 230
AS - Asia, other 158
OC - Oceania 3
Unknown 138
Total 3813
Country #
AO - Angola 1324
PT - Portugal 1046
US - United States of America 477
PL - Poland 137
BR - Brazil 135
IE - Ireland 105
CL - Chile 94
CN - China 92
SG - Singapore 36
BE - Belgium 25
other - Other Country 342
Total 3813
City #
Luanda 361
Warsaw 137
Lisbon 130
Redmond 97
Beijing 60
Coimbra 50
Porto 50
San Jose 36
Mountain View 35
Viseu 25
other 2536
Total 3517
Most type viewed #
ID: all - 3813
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 0
ID: conference - 0
ID: book - 0
ID: thesis - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 3813

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 0066 25 19
2020 38 114103 3113 523 75
2021 1311 2731375 947859 4024 338
2022 1939 25245922 6661150 10218 531
2023 7382 40300 2057178 10541 581
2024 128124 57445942 272400 00 505
Ever 3813