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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 5236
EU - Europe 4329
AS - Asia, other 2420
SA - South America 200
AF - Africa 131
OC - Oceania 117
Unknown 440
Total 12873
Country #
US - United States of America 5212
PT - Portugal 2250
CN - China 1026
SG - Singapore 942
IE - Ireland 514
DE - Germany 396
PL - Poland 328
SE - Sweden 256
BR - Brazil 184
ID - Indonesia 136
other - Other Country 1629
Total 12873
City #
Ashburn 1094
Coimbra 1002
New York 676
Dublin 431
Inglewood 401
Singapore 352
Warsaw 311
Secaucus 292
Jakarta 131
Hanover 127
other 7151
Total 11968
Most viewed items #
ID: 34257 - Ponto ótimo de rentabilidade económica das soluções construtivas opacas de edificios localizados em Portugal 912
ID: 38251 - Life Beyond the Grid: A Life-Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Household Energy Demand 599
ID: 38771 - Daylight Modelling of a Portuguese Baroque Library 503
ID: 31857 - The challenging paradigm of interrelated energy systems towards a more sustainable future 480
ID: 26593 - Segurança de veículos em incêndios florestais 477
ID: 45204 - A simulation study to assess the impact of natural ventilation on the hygrothermal behaviour of a historic library using EnergyPlus and its Airflow Network 352
ID: 48157 - Life cycle assessment of grape cultivation in Piedmont, Italy 329
ID: 38775 - A Survey on the Impact of Energy and Buildings Sustainability Initiatives in University Campuses 323
ID: 48312 - Energy performance factors in wastewater treatment plants: A review 272
ID: 45177 - Up-To-Date Challenges for the Conservation, Rehabilitation and Energy Retrofitting of Higher Education Cultural Heritage Buildings 228
ID: 51457 - Key drivers of life-cycle environmental and cost assessment of windows for different European climate zones 212
ID: 49165 - A new wind direction-driven heat convection model is needed in dynamic simulation: what, why, and how 204
ID: 44347 - A procedure for identifying chemical and biological risks for books in historic libraries based on microclimate analysis 202
ID: 48092 - Unsteady Coupled Moisture and Heat Energy Transport through an Exterior Wall Covered with Vegetation 196
ID: 46601 - Barriers on Establishing Passive Strategies in Office Spaces: A Case Study in a Historic University Building 192
ID: 46587 - Lessons from unsuccessful energy and buildings sustainability actions in university campus operations 191
ID: 49253 - What is the potential for prefabricated buildings to decrease costs and contribute to meeting EU environmental targets? 189
ID: 49759 - Theoretical and experimental analysis of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of the world's longest suspension footbridge in 2020 188
ID: 44450 - Life beyond the grid: A Life-Cycle Sustainability Assessment of household energy needs 186
ID: 47358 - Daylighting simulation of a heritage building by comparing matrix methods and solar models 183
ID: 60610 - Defining Extreme Wildfire Events: Difficulties, Challenges, and Impacts 175
ID: 46602 - Supplementary data to Barriers on establishing passive strategies in office spaces: a case study in a historic university building 173
ID: 56780 - Low-Emissivity Window Films as an Energy Retrofit Option for a Historical Stone Building in Cold Climate 173
ID: 48091 - Ignition of Fuel Beds by Cigarettes: A Conceptual Model to Assess Fuel Bed Moisture Content and Wind Velocity Effect on the Ignition Time and Probability 165
ID: 48154 - Accounting for biogenic carbon and end-of-life allocation in life cycle assessment of multi-output wood cascade systems 158
ID: 49513 - Lightweight cement composites containing end-of-life treated wood – Leaching, hydration and mechanical tests 156
ID: 53166 - A Review of Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Wildfire Spread Prediction Calibration 150
ID: 59968 - How organizational constraints undermine sustainability actions in a university's campuses: A case study 143
ID: 46586 - Simulating Large-Scale 3D Cadastral Dataset Using Procedural Modelling 137
ID: 48436 - Analysis of the wind flow and fire spread dynamics over a sloped–ridgeline hill 136
ID: 53235 - Design of new modular metal pallets: Experimental validation and life cycle analysis 133
ID: 53205 - Thermal and Mechanical Characterisation of Sandwich Core Materials for Climatic Chamber Shells Subjected to High Temperatures 128
ID: 53700 - Characterization of Firebrands Released From Different Burning Tree Species 127
ID: 58759 - Insights into Single Droplet Impact Models upon Liquid Films Using Alternative Fuels for Aero-Engines 127
ID: 60129 - Fire ROS Calculator: A Tool to Measure the Rate of Spread of a Propagating Wildfire in a Laboratory Setting 125
ID: 60118 - Climate change and ideal thermal transmittance of residential buildings in Iran 122
ID: 59054 - The Impact on Structures of the Pedrógão Grande Fire Complex in June 2017 (Portugal) 120
ID: 53174 - Integrated life cycle assessment of a southern European house addressing different design, construction solutions, operational patterns, and heating systems 116
ID: 54954 - Development of a direct concept helical-coil evaporator for an ORC based micro-CHP system 115
ID: 58359 - Future weather generator for building performance research: An open-source morphing tool and an application 115
ID: 53167 - Greenhouse Assays with Lactuca sativa for Testing Sewage Sludge-Based Soil Amendments 113
ID: 60484 - The effectiveness of the Iranian building code in mitigating climate change in Bandar Abbas 111
ID: 53543 - Modeling and simulation of a fixed bed gasification process for thermal treatment of municipal solid waste and agricultural residues 109
ID: 58904 - Challenges and perspectives of greenhouse gases emissions from municipal solid waste management in Angola 108
ID: 61926 - Marginal Life-Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electricity Generation in Portugal and Implications for Electric Vehicles 103
ID: 59813 - Performance Analysis of a Solar DHW System with Adsorption Module Operating in Different World Locations 101
ID: 53171 - A Protection for LPG Domestic Cylinders at Wildland-Urban Interface Fire 96
ID: 60407 - A Circular Economy Approach to Military Munitions: Valorization of Energetic Material from Ammunition Disposal through Incorporation in Civil Explosives 96
ID: 53283 - Ultrasonic Atomization: New Spray Characterization Approaches 95
ID: 55375 - Differences between the detonation behavior of emulsion explosives sensitized with glass or with polymeric micro-balloons 95
ID: 56783 - Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment of an Innovative Multifunctional Toilet 94
Total 10333

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 00133117 9087 427
2020 3843 42535452 3521223 3944 446
2021 115157 511536086 54169118139 63191 1356
2022 186154 336107114153 229134217231 221224 2306
2023 88114 2278046 102105141188 409535 1963
2024 525979 689656590568 78167810 00 5467
Ever 12873