Researcher Profile Statistics: Szczygieł, Małgorzata

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 361
EU - Europe 165
AS - Asia, other 88
AF - Africa 2
SA - South America 1
Unknown 4
Total 621
Country #
US - United States of America 355
CN - China 62
DE - Germany 44
PL - Poland 36
PT - Portugal 36
RU - Russian Federation 12
FR - France 8
GB - United Kingdom 7
CA - Canada 5
IN - India 4
other - Other Country 52
Total 621
City #
Ashburn 133
Chicago 14
Krakow 12
Buffalo 10
Boydton 9
Fairfield 9
Hyattsville 8
Lodz 7
Boardman 5
Coimbra 5
other 382
Total 594
Most downloaded files #
ID: 68103 - The role of strong hypoxia in tumors after treatment in the outcome.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/27908) 621
Total 621
Most bitstream per type viewed #
ID: all - 621
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 0
ID: conference - 0
ID: book - 0
ID: thesis - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 621

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 001920 114 54
2020 89 41199 81007 1027 112
2021 1912 410158 715417 132 126
2022 63 65176 4595 53 74
2023 43 10000 6662 43 44
2024 45 7929 5300 00 44
Ever 621