General Statistics

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Geo Map
Region #
NA - North America 428
AS - Asia, other 289
EU - Europe 214
SA - South America 32
AF - Africa 1
Unknown 7
Total 971
Country #
US - United States of America 425
CN - China 255
DE - Germany 67
IE - Ireland 65
PT - Portugal 48
PE - Peru 31
ID - Indonesia 26
RU - Russian Federation 12
CZ - Czech Republic 7
FI - Finland 4
other - Other Country 31
Total 971
City #
Beijing 116
Ashburn 73
Dublin 65
Nanqiao 57
Lima 31
Shanghai 27
Jakarta 25
Columbus 18
Coimbra 10
Leiria 8
other 541
Total 971
Most downloaded files #
ID: 227356 - PhysRevX.12.021005.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/99757) 75
ID: 261192 - LATTES-A-new-gammaray-detector-concept-for-South-AmericaEPJ-Web-of-Conferences.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/108144) 75
ID: 258684 - Identification-of-boosted-Higgs-bosons-decaying-into-bquark-pairs-with-the-ATLAS-detector-at-13-TeVEuropean-Physical-Journal-C.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/106920) 71
ID: 256491 - The-LUXZEPLIN-LZ-radioactivity-and-cleanliness-control-programsEuropean-Physical-Journal-C.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/106063) 68
ID: 254282 - Boosting-background-suppression-in-the-NEXT-experiment-through-RichardsonLucy-deconvolutionJournal-of-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/105031) 58
ID: 258688 - Measurement-of-the-crosssection-and-charge-asymmetry-of-W-bosons-produced-in-protonproton-collisions-at-s8TeV-with-the-ATLAS-detectorEuropean-Physical-Journal-C.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/106922) 51
ID: 257187 - Lowdiffusion-XeHe-gas-mixtures-for-rareevent-detection-electroluminescence-yieldJournal-of-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/106310) 50
ID: 260546 - Measurement-of-radoninduced-backgrounds-in-the-NEXT-double-beta-decay-experimentJournal-of-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/107748) 48
ID: 268054 - NEXT-CRAB-0 a high pressure gaseous xenon time projection chamber with a direct VUV camera based readout.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112196) 42
ID: 261742 - Current-Status-and-Future-Prospects-of-the-SNO-ExperimentAdvances-in-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/108414) 40
ID: 264169 - Nitrogen-fluorescence-in-air-for-observing-extensive-air-showersEPJ-Web-of-Conferences.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/109735) 38
ID: 267390 - The MIGDAL experiment Measuring a rare atomic process to aid the search for dark matter.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/111915) 38
ID: 267566 - Demonstration-of-neutrinoless-double-beta-decay-searches-in-gaseous-xenon-with-NEXTJournal-of-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112001) 38
ID: 268879 - An RPC-PET brain scanner demonstrator First results.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112650) 36
ID: 259101 - Electroluminescence-TPCs-at-the-thermal-diffusion-limitJournal-of-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/107107) 35
ID: 254298 - Sensitivity-of-the-NEXT-experiment-to-Xe124-double-electron-captureJournal-of-High-Energy-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/105039) 32
ID: 264975 - Measurements-of-highenergy-neutroninduced-fission-of-supnatsupPb-and-sup209supBiEPJ-Web-of-Conferences.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/110184) 28
ID: 267790 - A compact dication source for Ba2+ tagging and heavy metal ion sensor development.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112075) 28
ID: 267598 - Outdoor systems performance and upgrade.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112015) 27
ID: 268066 - Background-determination-for-the-LUXZEPLIN-dark-matter-experimentPhysical-Review-D.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112202) 24
ID: 268158 - First-Dark-Matter-Search-Results-from-the-LUXZEPLIN-LZ-ExperimentPhysical-Review-Letters.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/112244) 22
ID: 267331 - Search-for-new-physics-in-lowenergy-electron-recoils-from-the-first-LZ-exposurePhysical-Review-D.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/111886) 17
ID: 269878 - First-results-on-FHM--a-Floating-Hole-MultiplierJournal-of-Instrumentation.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/113290) 15
ID: 272749 - A-nextgeneration-liquid-xenon-observatory-for-dark-matter-and-neutrino-physicsJournal-of-Physics-G-Nuclear-and-Particle-Physics.pdf - ITEM:( 10316/114891) 15
Total 971

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0230 3031 40 16
2023 105 6104 3713 2128 89
2024 80125 13511910867 1706200 00 866
Ever 971