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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
12021Fatigue Performance of Thin Laser Butt Welds in HSLA SteelRiofrío, Patricio G.; Antunes, Fernando ; Ferreira, José ; Batista, António Castanhola ; Capela, Carlos articleopenAccess
215-Mar-2022Effect of Residual Stresses on Fatigue Crack Growth: A Numerical Study Based on Cumulative Plastic Strain at the Crack TipNeto, Diogo M. ; Borges, Micael F. ; Sérgio, Edmundo R. ; Antunes, Fernando V. articleopenAccess
32021Simulation of crack growth in T-welded joints - residual stress field effectRamalho, A. L. ; Antunes, F. V. ; Ferreira, J. A. M. articleopenAccess
431-Jul-2021FCG Modelling Considering the Combined Effects of Cyclic Plastic Deformation and Growth of Micro-VoidsSérgio, Edmundo R. ; Antunes, Fernando V. ; Borges, Micael F. ; Neto, Diogo M. articleopenAccess
510-Sep-2013A parameter for quantitative analysis of plasticity induced crack closureAntunes, F. V. ; Correia, L. ; Ramalho, A. L. articleopenAccess
6Dec-2013Effect of saline environment on mechanical properties of adhesive jointsPereira, A. M. ; Reis, P. N. B. ; Ferreira, J. A. M. ; Antunes, F. V. articleopenAccess
715-Mar-2014Numerical study of contact forces for crack closure analysisAntunes, F. V. ; Chegini, A. G. ; Correia, L. ; Branco, R. articleopenAccess
82019Fatigue Crack Growth in Maraging Steel Obtained by Selective Laser MeltingAntunes, Fernando ; Santos, Luís; Capela, Carlos ; Ferreira, José A. M. ; Costa, José ; Jesus, Joel de ; Prates, Pedro articleopenAccess
92019Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for CTS Mixed Mode SpecimenAntunes, F. V. ; Branco, R. ; Ferreira, J. A. M. ; Borrego, L. P. articleopenAccess
102019Fatigue crack growth in notched specimens: a numerical analysisAntunes, F. V. ; Branco, R. ; Prates, P. ; Costa, J. D.M. articleopenAccess
1111-Mar-2020Numerical Study on the Variability of Plastic CTODPrates, Pedro André ; Marques, Armando Eusébio ; Borges, Micael Frias ; Branco, Ricardo Madeira ; Antunes, Fernando V. articleopenAccess
122020Numerical Prediction of the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in SLM Ti-6Al-4V Based on Crack Tip Plastic StrainFerreira, Fábio ; Neto, Diogo M. ; Jesus, Joel S. ; Prates, Pedro A. ; Antunes, Fernando V. articleopenAccess
132020Fatigue Crack Growth from Notches: A Numerical AnalysisBorges, Micael Frias ; Caldas, Manuel ; Antunes, Fernando ; Branco, Ricardo Nuno Madeira Soares ; Prates, Pedro André Dias articleopenAccess
142019Effect of yield stress on fatigue crack growthAntunes, Fernando Ventura ; Borges, Micael Frias ; Prates, Pedro ; Branco, Ricardo ; Oliveira, Marta C. articleopenAccess
154-Dec-2020Revisiting Classical Issues of Fatigue Crack Growth Using a Non-Linear ApproachBorges, Micael F. ; Neto, Diogo M. ; Antunes, Fernando V. articleopenAccess
162019Crack tip mechanisms: a numerical analysisAntunes, F. V. ; Borges, M. F. M. ; Marques, B. ; Prates, P. ; Branco, R. articleopenAccess
172019Numerical analysis of the influence of the last cycle scheme on plasticity induced crack closureCamas, D.; Antunes, F. ; Moreno, B.; Gonzalez-Herrera, A.articleopenAccess
182019Influence of plastic wake length on results of 3D numerical modelling of plasticity induced crack closureCamas, D.; Antunes, F. ; Lopez-Crespo, P.; Gonzalez-Herrera, A.articleopenAccess
192019Experimental characterisation of fatigue crack growth based on the CTOD measured from crack tip displacement fields using DICOlmo, José Manuel Vasco; Díaz, F.A.; Antunes, F. V. ; James, M.N.articleopenAccess
202020Model for fatigue crack growth analysisBorges, M. F. M. ; Antunes, F. V. ; Prates, P. ; Branco, R. ; Vasco-Olmo, J. M.; Díaz, F. A.articleopenAccess
212021Single overloads FCG modeling considering damage accumulationSérgio, E. R. ; Borges, M. F. M. ; Neto, D. M. ; Antunes, F. V. ; Pais, J. P. articleopenAccess
222020A Numerical Study of the Effect of Isotropic Hardening Parameters on Mode I Fatigue Crack GrowthBorges, Micael Frias ; Antunes, F. V. ; Prates, P. A. ; Branco, R. articleopenAccess
232021Effect of remaining ligament on fatigue crack growthJesus, Joel ; Neto, D. M. ; Fernandes, R. F. ; Borges, M. F. ; Antunes, F. V. ; Sérgio, E. R.articleopenAccess
242022Effect of variable amplitude block loading on fatigue crack growthNeto, D. M. ; Borges, M. F. ; Silva, J. M. ; Antunes, F. V. articleopenAccess
252017Experimental evaluation of CTOD in constant amplitude fatigue crack growth from crack tip displacement fieldsVasco-Olmo, J. M.; Diaz, F. A.; Antunes, F. V. ; James, M. N.articleopenAccess
262017Analysis of fatigue crack propagation in laser sintering metalBorrego, L. F. P. ; Antunes, F. V. ; Ferreira, J. A. M. ; Costa, J. D. ; Capela, C. articleopenAccess
272019Fatigue behaviour of maraging steel samples produced by SLM under constant and variable amplitude loadingBranco, R. ; Silva, J. ; Ferreira, J. Martins ; Costa, J. D. ; Capela, Carlos ; Berto, F.; Santos, L. ; Antunes, F. V. articleopenAccess
282018Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of AISI 18Ni300 Maraging Steel Produced by Selective Laser MeltingBranco, Ricardo ; Costa, José D. M. ; Berto, Filippo; Razavi, Seyed; Ferreira, José A. Martins ; Capela, Carlos ; Santos, Luís; Antunes, Fernando articleopenAccess
292017Effect of numerical parameters on plastic CTODAntunes, F. V. ; Simões, R. ; Branco, R. ; Prates, Pedro articleopenAccess
3020-Dec-2022Fatigue Crack Growth in Metallic MaterialsAntunes, Fernando Ventura articleopenAccess
312021Multiaxial fatigue behaviour of maraging steel produced by selective laser meltingBranco, R. ; Costa, J. D. ; Capela, C. ; Antunes, F. V. ; Macek, W.; Ferreira, J. A. MartinsarticleopenAccess
322021A Novel Specimen Produced by Additive Manufacturing for Pure Plane Strain Fatigue Crack Growth StudiesJesus, Joel de ; Borges, Micael ; Antunes, Fernando ; Ferreira, José ; Reis, Luis; Capela, Carlos articleopenAccess
3316-Jun-2020Numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth based on accumulated plastic strainBorges, M. F. M. ; Neto, D. M. ; Antunes, Fernando articleopenAccess
Results 1-33 of 33 (Search time: 0.424 seconds).


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