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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess
121-Apr-2022Influence of Homogenizing Methodology on Mechanical and Tribological Performance of Powder Metallurgy Processed Titanium Composites Reinforced by Graphene NanoplateletsMahmood, Sultan; Iqbal, Amjad ; Rafi-Ud-Din, null; Wadood, Abdul; Mateen, Abdul; Amin, Muhammad; Yahia, Ibrahim S.; Zahran, Heba Y.articleopenAccess
210-Feb-2022Hybridization Effects on Bending and Interlaminar Shear Strength of Composite LaminatesMonjon, Alice; Santos, Paulo; Valvez, Sara; Reis, Paulo N. B. articleopenAccess
35-Mar-20223D Printing for Cartilage Replacement: A Preliminary Study to Explore New PolymersDelgado, Gonçalo F. ; Pinho, Ana C. ; Piedade, Ana P. articleopenAccess
416-Jun-2021Influence of Build Orientation, Geometry and Artificial Saliva Aging on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Poly(ε-caprolactone)Pinho, Ana C. ; Piedade, Ana P. articleopenAccess
52021Process Development for Flexible Films of Industrial Cellulose Pulp Using Superbase Ionic LiquidsRibeiro, Diana C. M. ; Rebelo, Rafael C. ; De Bon, Francesco ; Coelho, Jorge F. J. ; Serra, Arménio C. articleopenAccess
626-Aug-2020Effect of Post-Cure on the Static and Viscoelastic Properties of a Polyester ResinSilva, Marco P.; Santos, Paulo; Parente, João M.; Valvez, Sara; Reis, Paulo N. B.; Piedade, A. P. articleopenAccess
71-May-2019Mechanical Characterization of Different Aluminium Foams at High Strain RatesAmaro, Ana M. ; Neto, Maria A. ; Cirne, José S. ; Reis, Paulo N. B. articleopenAccess
82021Mechanical Characterization of Two Dental Restorative Materials after Acidic ChallengeCoelho, Ana ; Paula, Anabela ; Amaro, Inês Flores ; Marto, Carlos ; Costa, Nuno ; Saraiva, José ; Ferreira, Manuel Marques ; Antunes, Pedro ; Carrilho, Eunice articleopenAccess
92018Structure and Mechanical Properties of a Copper Combustion Chamber throughout Its Life CycleVaz, Diana ; Piedade, Ana Paula articleopenAccess
1011-Jun-2020Nugget Formation and Mechanical Behaviour of Friction Stir Welds of Three Dissimilar Aluminum AlloysManuel, Neves ; Galvão, Ivan ; Leal, Rui M. ; Costa, José D. ; Loureiro, Altino articleopenAccess
1121-Feb-2020Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of a Dental CeromerSantos, Mariana ; Coelho, Ana Sofia ; Paula, Anabela Baptista ; Marto, Carlos Miguel ; Amaro, Inês ; Saraiva, José ; Ferreira, Manuel Marques ; Antunes, Pedro ; Carrilho, Eunice articleopenAccess
122020Mechanical Properties of Sandwich Composites Reinforced by Nanoclays: An OverviewParente, João; Reis, Paulo N. B. ; Neto, M. ; Amaro, A. M. articleopenAccess
132020Characterization of Sintered Aluminium Reinforced with Ultrafine Tungsten Carbide ParticlesEmadinia, Omid ; Vieira, Maria Teresa ; Vieira, Manuel FernandoarticleopenAccess
1421-Aug-2023Skin Friction: Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of Different Papers Used in Everyday LifeVilhena, Luis M. ; Afonso, Luís ; Ramalho, Amílcar Lopes articleopenAccess
1517-Jan-2023Understanding Atherosclerosis Pathophysiology: Can Additive Manufacturing Be Helpful?Henriques, Joana ; Amaro, Ana M. ; Piedade, Ana P. articleopenAccess
162023The Influence of H Content on the Properties of a-C(W):H CoatingsEvaristo, Manuel ; Fernandes, Filipe ; Jeynes, Chris; Cavaleiro, Albano articleopenAccess
179-Mar-20223D Printing of Polymeric Bioresorbable Stents: A Strategy to Improve Both Cellular Compatibility and Mechanical PropertiesSousa, Ana M. ; Amaro, Ana M. ; Piedade, Ana P. articleopenAccess
182021Sandwich Multi-Material 3D-Printed Polymers: Influence of Aging on the Impact and Flexure ResistancesPinho, Ana C. ; Piedade, Ana P. articleopenAccess
Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 1.08 seconds).


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