Researcher Profile Statistics: Polisciuc, Evgheni

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
EU - Europe 2049
NA - North America 654
SA - South America 303
AS - Asia, other 249
AF - Africa 31
OC - Oceania 11
Unknown 19
Total 3316
Country #
PT - Portugal 1318
US - United States of America 651
BR - Brazil 292
NL - Netherlands 256
PL - Poland 177
CN - China 122
SE - Sweden 90
SG - Singapore 67
DE - Germany 56
RU - Russian Federation 27
other - Other Country 260
Total 3316
City #
Coimbra 711
Amsterdam 255
Warsaw 177
Ashburn 142
Lisbon 75
Porto 60
Beijing 48
New York 35
San Jose 33
Singapore 31
other 1348
Total 2915
Most viewed items #
ID: 20275 - Visual Tools for the Study of Urban Mobility 1159
Total 1159
Most type viewed #
ID: all - 3316
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 0
ID: conference - 0
ID: book - 0
ID: thesis - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 3316

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2019 00 0000 008072 85147 384
2020 1813 7161212 83110 165 121
2021 1819 23152640 18524245 3748 383
2022 4028 33181715 21435922 4131 368
2023 1217 244011 6151326 3618 182
2024 2298 53704256 5350380 00 482
Ever 3316