
Resultados 1-4 de 4.

Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)TipoAcesso
112-Jun-2023Decoding Neutron Star Observations: Revealing Composition through Bayesian Neural NetworksCarvalho, Valéria ; Ferreira, Márcio ; Malik, Tuhin ; Providência, Constança articleopenAccess
230-Jan-2018Multiple critical endpoints in magnetized three flavor quark matterFerreira, Márcio ; Costa, Pedro ; Providência, Constança articleopenAccess
3Jun-2018The Iberian electricity market: analysis of the risk premium in an illiquid marketFerreira, Márcio ; Sebastião, Helder articleembargoedAccess
42018The Iberian electricity market:Price dynamics and risk premium in an illiquid marketFerreira, Márcio ; Sebastião, Hélder workingPaperopenAccess